Marine Park Diving

In the local marine park you can find about 20 different sites that belong to the most scenic and popular dive sites in Thailand. Above the water the cliffs rise about 45 meters into the sky. Below the waterline you can enjoy coral covered walls and shallow reefs with an abundance of marine life.

Divers from all around the world praise the quantity and diversity of things to see on the Phi Phi reefs. “We have everything here from the tiniest ghost pipefish to – on occasion – giant whale sharks and manta rays”

The warm water (27-30 degrees C.) and gentle currents allow enjoyable diving all year through, for all diving levels. With perfect weather nearly everyday during the high season in Thailand, from December to May, makes this the peak time for you to be able to see an amazing variety of newly born marine life and huge schools of young fish with excellent visibility.

All dive sites in the Phi Phi local marine park are rated as easily accessible for novice divers and most places are also perfect for snorkelling. (the first three places in Lonely Planet’s “Top 10 snorkelling spots in Thailand” are all in the Phi Phi local marine park). Phi Phi is a heaven for those who enjoy underwater photography.

The shallow, sunny reefs with abundance of soft corals, table corals and coral fans make perfect scenery for your pictures while many under water creatures like turtles, octopus, black tip reef sharks and the resident leopard sharks are patient models.

Daily trips start 7.00 am return at 12.30 pm and 1.00 pm return 5.30 pm. All year around!

2,700 THB including all equipment, dive guide, lunch, insurance etc. Small groups of max 2 buddy teams per dive guide (excluding marine park fees)